February 27, 2024

6 mins

Pre-Season Tune Ups: How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter

Are you ready for winter?

While colder and shorter days signal the need to change from light autumn jackets to thick winter gear, it’s also a sign to conduct your HVAC maintenance for winter.  

Neglecting to do so can cause discomfort, increase energy bills, reduce energy efficiency, and even cause costly repairs. Worse, it can put your family at risk. An inefficient heating system won’t thoroughly warm your home, which can also affect everyone’s health.

Don’t let any of these things happen to your family by preparing your HVAC unit for this coming winter. Today, we’ll share our top 4 winter HVAC tips.

Tip #1: Conduct a Regular HVAC Maintenance

Debris and dirt can clog your HVAC unit even when not in use. In return, your heating systems in winter will run inefficiently, resulting in cold spots. Always do a thorough HVAC maintenance before using it to ensure your system works optimally.  

Here’s a quick checklist on how to maintain your home’s HVAC system:

  • Change your HVAC filters  
  • Clean furnace, air vents, and chimneys  
  • Bleed radiator valves
  • Clean and clear the outside unit of dirt and debris  
  • Inspect ductwork, motor belt, igniter switch, drainage systems, and other parts  
  • Trim shrubs and plants to leave at least 2 feet of clear space around your outside unit  

You can also check our heat pump maintenance blog for a more comprehensive list.

Tip #2: Prepare Your Home for Winter

Everyone’s HVAC needs during winter differ from summer. Don’t forget to do the following before the first snow falls:  

  • Program your thermostat. Ideally, you want it set to 28ºC to efficiently warm your home.
  • Prepare your humidifier. Do this so it can help maintain a comfortable relative humidity level.  
  • Assess your supply. If your furnace uses fuel, check to see if you have an adequate supply for the winter.  
  • Check your detectors. Ensure that your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are fully functional.  
  • Check your insulation. Double up on your home insulation to maximize your heating system’s warmth. For example, sealing off single-pane windows can make a huge difference.

Tip #3: Test Your HVAC System 3x Before Winter

Winter is one of the busiest seasons for HVAC companies in Vancouver. That’s because it’s the time when heating systems are used the most. Don't wait weeks to get a heating system service scheduled. Instead, test your system in fall, so your home is ready before the first cold wave.  

Follow these steps to test your system:  

  • Set your thermostat to your winter temperature.  
  • Run a complete heating cycle on 3 separate days.  
  • Evaluate your heating system’s performance and check the room’s warmth.  
  • Conduct a sound check and listen for any abnormal noises.  

If you notice something’s amiss, read our blog for signs your boiler needs replacement.

Tip #4: Hire a Certified HVAC Technician

Experts advise conducting professional HVAC maintenance before winter. That way, technicians can immediately identify and repair any malfunction, damage, and leakage. They can also give you winter HVAC tips specific to your unit and home needs, easing any worries, doubts, or questions.  

Not only does this guarantee that your heating system works efficiently during winter, but it also keeps your family safe from harm and accidents. Plus, it will help prolong your HVAC system’s life as all parts will work smoothly and without damage.

Since HVAC systems are necessary to survive the cold winter months, keeping them well-maintained is vital. That way, you can fully enjoy the benefits of a cozy home without any worries.

Looking for an HVAC professional?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel comfortable and safe in your home.

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