February 27, 2024

6 mins

Boiler Replacement: 7 Signs You Need to Replace Your Boiler

Winter is coming. That means it’s time to turn on your boiler system and enjoy a hot cup of cocoa. Except, what if your boiler isn’t heating your entire home? Or worse, it can’t even heat a single room? Not only is this a safety hazard, it’s crucial your HVAC systems are operating effectively and comply with local laws and regulations.

While this may sound like a worst-case scenario, Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) technicians see it all of the time. In fact, winter is one of the busiest seasons in the industry. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to happen to you.

Today, we’re discussing 7 signs to replace a boiler so you can upgrade your boiler system before the first snow falls.

What is the Lifespan of a Boiler?

Generally, a boiler’s lifespan is on average 10 to 15 years. But this depends on the quality of installation and how often the boiler system is serviced and maintained. By law, a certified technician must conduct your boiler installation to ensure everything is up to code.  

At the same time, you want them to maintain your boiler at least once a year to avoid common boiler problems, like gas leaks. By doing so, you can rest assured that you’re getting the most out of your heating system.

7 Signs When to Replace Your Boiler

No one wants to spend their winter in a cold home. Especially when you spend thousands of dollars on a boiler system. It shouldn’t stop working when you need it the most. So, here are the 7 signs to pay attention to when you need a boiler replacement.

#1 – Something Smells Off

A bad smell is one of the most dangerous signs that your boiler isn't working. When you smell something unpleasant, it can mean that gas is leaking from your boiler. It can also indicate that parts of your heating system have burned out.  

Whatever the situation, it’s important to have a professional HVAC technician inspect the boiler immediately to avoid harming you and your home.

#2 – Your Boiler is Burning Yellow

Carbon monoxide is deadly. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to detect because it’s tasteless, odourless, and colourless. However, one surefire way to know if carbon monoxide is leaking from your boiler is when it burns a yellow flame. If that happens, call a certified gas engineer and make sure that they submit a signed service report. A healthy boiler emits a blue flame, which shows it efficiently burns gas.

#3 – You Noticed a Water Leak

Gas leaks aren't the only signs of wear and tear. You also need to pay attention to water leaks. If there are puddles around your boiler, it can be from various situations, such as:  

  • There’s a blockage in the system.
  • There is a pipe that has corroded.
  • There are loose connections.
  • There is a damaged valve or seal.  

In any case, you want a trusted HVAC technician to repair or replace it immediately. This is because water leakage can cause other parts to erode. Not only that, but it can also cause electrical short circuits.

#4 – The Boiler Takes Longer to Heat

Ideally, heating your home should only take a few seconds to a minute. But if you find yourself constantly checking the time and waiting for your room to warm up, there's a problem with your boiler. There are multiple reasons behind a slow boiler, so make sure to work with an HVAC professional to determine the cause.

#5 – You Hear Unusual Sounds

Do you hear knocks or whistles from your pipes? If so, that can mean your boiler needs a repair or replacement. Whistles, also known as kettling, occur when your boiler overheats due to leaks or limescale build-up. In contrast, knocking or banging noises signal that something is blocking your pipes, including sludge, rust, or debris.

#6 – You Have Spiking Energy Bills

While winter months and high energy bills are often synonymous, a higher-than-usual charge can also hint at a boiler problem. A boiler system that’s nearing the end of its life will run inefficiently. As such, it requires more energy or gas to reach full capacity.  

According to the latest Energy Efficiency Standards, boilers in Vancouver—particularly in British Columbia—must achieve thermal efficiency of 90% or more.

#7 – Your Boiler Needs Constant Repairs

Repairing your heating system periodically isn’t a cause for alarm. But you should start thinking of upgrading your boiler if you notice that your repair bills start to cost as much as a new system. Remember that holding on to a boiler older than 10 years can result in more expenses.

An outdated boiler is often less energy efficient than the latest model. Not only that, but it also means outdated parts. As such, you’ll need more money, resources, and time to maintain it. Most of all, a boiler over 10 years old can put your family’s life in danger as its parts won’t be working as effectively as they should. It can result in more toxic gas leaks, electrical shortages, and more.

Solve Your Common Boiler Problems With Help

While these signs give you a clue on why your boiler isn’t working, it’s best to contact an HVAC professional when you’re in doubt. They’ll have the expertise to diagnose the problem. Then, they can advise you on whether you should repair or replace your boiler so you keep your household safe and warm.

Looking for an HVAC professional to help with your boiler?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel comfortable and safe in your home.

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