February 27, 2024

4 mins

10 Top Tips to Lower Your Energy Bill this Summer

How can we reduce energy consumption in summer?

It’s a question we get asked all the time.  

It's not just you. As you use electric fans, air conditioners, and other cooling systems more often, your energy usage and your bill will increase. Additionally, because everyone else is doing the same, the high energy demand can result in a spike in energy rates.  

While the obvious solution might seem like not using your HVAC system, doing so will put you and your family at risk of indoor heatstroke.

But don’t fret, if you want to learn how to save energy on air conditioning in summer—we got you.

Here are 10 ways to continue using your HVAC system and save on your AC bill.  

#1 – Replace the Filters of Your HVAC System  

Clogged air filters mean blocked airways. As such, you’ll need to put your AC on a higher power to feel its effects, which requires more energy. But if you clean and replace your filters regularly, you’ll not only keep your energy consumption low in summer—but you’ll also extend the lifespan of your AC unit.  

#2 – Keep Your Air Pathways Clear and Open  

Speaking of blocked airways... furniture, appliances, and walls in front of your vents and ducts also prevent airflow. Because of this, you can experience hot and cold spots.

This might make you constantly adjust your thermostat and increase energy consumption. But by hiring a reliable HVAC installer, you can better plan where to place your vents, ducts, and AC unit, saving you on energy bills.  

#3 – Check Your Windows and Doors  

Do you feel like cool air is escaping your home even if all your windows and doors are closed? Well, that can be because they aren’t properly sealed.  

Cool air can escape from your home when your doors and windows aren’t insulated, rendering your HVAC system ineffective. You can also add blinds or curtains to your windows to keep the heat and sunlight out of your home.  

#4 – Use the Thermostat Wisely  

As tempting as it is to keep changing your thermostat depending on your needs, it increases your energy usage. Instead, try to keep it at a constant temperature as much as possible. You can also leave your cooling system off while away to keep costs down.  

#5 – Complement Your AC with a Ceiling Fan  

While fans require less energy, they can’t cool your home as effectively as an HVAC system. So, why not use both at the same time?  

Powering your HVAC system with an electric fan helps better circulate cool air, which means you can power down your AC unit. This, in return, saves you energy and lowers your bills.  

#6 – Enjoy the Great Outdoors  

When the weather allows, spend your time outside. Go to the beach, camp in the woods, play outdoor sports, and enjoy the sunshine. By doing so, you’ll use your HVAC system less often, decreasing energy usage.  

#7 – Operate Your HVAC During Off-Peak Hours  

Some energy companies incentivize homeowners who use more electricity during off-peak hours. For example, BC Hydro doesn’t charge extra when you use electricity during the off-peak periods of 7:00AM to 4:00PM and 9:00PM to 11:00PM. On the other hand, they add 5 cents per kWh during peak periods.  

#8 – Know Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER)  

Your HVAC’s seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) can reveal much about your system. It can tell you if your system has a malfunction. It can also clue you in if your HVAC wasn’t installed properly. When this happens, your SEER rating will go down, and your energy bills will go up.  

So, what’s a good SEER rating? Ideally, you want a SEER rating of 12.0 or higher for a single-packaged central AC unit or 13.0 and above for a split system.  

#9 – Know When It’s Time to Replace Your HVAC System  

A broken HVAC system won’t work efficiently and, as a result—spike up your energy bill. It might not produce as much cold air as before, making you increase its power. Or it might be short cycling, increasing your electricity usage.  

That’s why it’s critical to pay attention to the signs that it’s time to replace your AC unit.  

#10 – Regularly Clean and Maintain Your HVAC System  

For your HVAC system to work optimally, you need to regularly maintain and clean it. If you forgo this, your system will perform poorly and cause your energy bills to skyrocket. You can check the coils, vents, ducts, and other system parts yourself.  

However, it’s best to leave it to the professionals to ensure nothing is missed when cleaning and maintaining your HVAC system.  

Summer months don’t always have to mean high energy bills. With these 10 tips, you can keep your home cool and comfortable while saving on energy costs. More than that, you can also save money in the long run as you’re keeping your HVAC system in top shape.

Looking for an HVAC professional?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel comfortable and safe in your home.

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