February 27, 2024

5 mins

7 Signs You Need to Replace Your AC Unit Today 

With cooling systems costing a fortune, you might think that you’re saving money by holding on to your old air conditioner.  

But it can actually cost you more money.

A broken AC unit means it’s not running efficiently, resulting in high energy bills. Not only that, but it can also deteriorate the air quality at home, causing severe health issues. Worst of all, it’s a fire and safety risk as older AC units can short-circuit without warning.  

So, how do you know when to replace your AC unit?

Here are 7 signs to watch out for in your air conditioner.

Sign #1: Your Air Conditioning Unit is No Longer Cooling Your Home.

While this point sounds obvious, many don’t notice it right away. That's because the change can be so subtle that it’s easy to attribute it to an unusually hot summer day. But if you notice the following, then it’s time to have AC technicians check your unit:

  • You keep adjusting the temperature to make it colder.
  • Your AC is turning on and off sporadically.
  • Your AC is blasting warm air into your home.

Sign #2: Your Air Conditioner is Making Unfamiliar Noises.

You want your AC to have a constant hum. That signals that all its parts are working smoothly. When you hear a whirring, banging, grinding, or any other strange noise, then it’s a sign that something’s malfunctioning. It can be as simple as a broken belt or as serious as a damaged motor.  

Sign #3: The AC Unit is Releasing a Funky Smell.

A burning smell coming from your unit often means it has a burned wire or a malfunctioning part. On the other hand, a musty scent indicates moisture buildup and possibly mould. In any case, don’t leave the problem unattended.  

Mould in your unit can lead to respiratory health problems that will worsen the longer you’re exposed to it. Broken parts can also damage other parts of your air conditioning system, increasing the cost of repairs.

Sign #4: There’s Excessive Moisture or Leakage

It’s common to experience leaking when your AC unit installation wasn’t done by quality experts. And many times, this can be easily fixed. But what if the unit is leaking all the time?

Well, when your AC unit repair is happening every few months—you need to seriously consider replacing it. Especially when your accumulated repair bill costs as much as a new model.

Sign #5: Your Utility Bills Are Spiking.

Is your energy bill higher than usual? It can be because your air conditioner is running inefficiently. Old and broken units sometimes short cycle as they try to compensate for the lack of airflow, which ends up consuming more energy.  

On the other hand, it can also be a sign of an underlying issue, like a damaged coil. Either way, you’ll want to have your AC installer check it, as the problems aren’t always easily diagnosed.

Sign #6: You’re Renovating Your Home.

When installing an HVAC system, we always make sure it’s compatible with the size and layout of your home. A system that’s too big or small will operate ineffectively and drive up your energy bills. So, if you’re scaling up or down your current home, you’ll need to also look at the type of air conditioner you have.

Sign #7: Your AC Unit Lifespan is Nearing the End.

Generally, you should upgrade your AC once it reaches the ten-year mark. Not only is it nearing the end of the AC lifespan, but models older than 10 years use freon, which is harmful to health and the environment.  

Plus, modern units today are energy-efficient, allowing you to be eligible for BC rebates.

If you’ve noticed any of these 7 signs, it’s time to call an HVAC professional. They will help you know if it’s better to repair or replace your AC unit. After all, you don’t want to purchase a new air conditioner during peak season when prices are at their highest.

Looking for an HVAC professional?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel more comfortable and safe in your home.  

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