February 27, 2024

5 mins

5 Tips to Prolong Your Heat Pump’s Lifespan

With heat pumps acting both as a heating and cooling system, your family’s safety and comfort depend on them.  

Among the many heat pump benefits, it also protects you from indoor heatstroke in the summer and hypothermia in the winter.

That’s why you want your heat pump to work as long and as efficiently as possible. Then it won’t suddenly malfunction when you need it the most. You’ll also ensure that you get the most value out of your Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation (HVAC) system.  

Today, we’re sharing 5 ways to extend your heat pump’s lifespan.

Tip #1: Make Sure Heat Pump is Installed Properly

Prolonging your unit’s lifespan starts with the heat pump installation. When done properly by a heat pump technician, your heat pump will last a lot longer and work correctly.

This means that your heat pump is:

  • Sized appropriately for your home and needs.
  • Placed 5-8 inches above ground so that it won’t encounter soil, grass, snow, and other sources of obstruction.
  • Not placed under a leaking gutter or water drainage system that could potentially damage it.
  • Working well without broken and loose parts.

This also means that your home is well insulated, so that the warm or cool air from your unit will reach every nook and cranny of your home. As such, your unit won’t wear and tear as quickly and easily.

Tip #2: Use Your Heat Pump Efficiently

Much like any appliance, the way you use your heat pump vastly affects its life cycle. If you take good care of it, then you’ll be sure to maximize its usability.

Here are a few expert tips to efficiently use your heat pump:

  • Use a consistent temperature. This will prevent your heat pump from overworking, overheating, and having frozen coils in colder months.  
  • Program Setback Periods. Set your temperature back no greater than 2ºC of your ideal temperature when you’re outside or asleep. Doing so will allow you to save on energy bills while keeping your home cozy.  
  • Calibrate your thermostat with your heat pump. This helps ensure that your heat pump’s temperature is accurate and prevents cold or hot spots.

Tip #3: Clean and Maintain a Heat Pump Regularly

Aside from efficiently using your HVAC system, your responsibility as a homeowner also includes practicing heat pump maintenance to protect your system from damage or malfunction.  

Here are ways to maintain a heat pump:  

  • Unclog and clean your ducts of dust, mildew, and build-up a month before using your HVAC system.  
  • Check your filters every 3 months. If there’s a visible build-up, clean it with mild soap or replace it if it’s a disposable filter.  
  • Clear your heat pump of any debris, including any grass, snow, dirt, and leaves.  
  • Trim the plants near the heat pump and ensure your unit has at least 2-3 feet of clear space.  
  • Clean your outside unit by using the gentler setting of your hose and going from outside in.  
  • Oil fan motors and other parts when possible.  

Pro Tip: Remember to turn off your heat pump and disconnect it from power supplies before cleaning and maintenance.

Tip #4: Take Extra Care of Heat Pump During Winter

The winter season can be tough on heat pumps in Vancouver. Freezing temperatures can cause the coils to freeze. Snowfall can quickly pile on your outside unit, preventing it from working efficiently.  

As such, your heat pump needs extra love and care during winter, including:  

  • Regularly checking your outside unit so you can remove the snow and ice build-up, especially after a bad snowstorm.
  • Using warm water (not hot) to melt the stuck snow and ice instead of using sharp objects, which can damage your heat pump.
  • Not blocking or covering your heat pump, especially when in use.
  • Not setting your temperature too low to avoid frozen coils.

Tip #5: Consult with an Expert HVAC Technician

While there are a few things you can do to help maintain your heat pump, there are still many things that are best left to the experts.  

By having an expert Vancouver HVAC company service your unit, you know that your unit is thoroughly maintained, cleaned, and inspected. Not only that, but you also avoid voiding your unit’s service and product warranty.  

Here are a few things that a certified HVAC technician will do during a heat pump maintenance:  

  • Clean filters, ducts, and outside heat pump unit.  
  • Check the control circuit, electrical connections, unit’s airflow, compressor, condenser coil, reversing valve, evaporator, and other essential parts.  
  • Test the accuracy of the thermostat.  
  • Conduct a pressure reading of the refrigerant.  
  • Tighten loose parts, including the system belt and oil parts that are too tight.

Looking for an HVAC professional?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel comfortable and safe in your home.

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