February 27, 2024

6 mins

BC Heat Pump Rebates: How Can You Qualify for Them? 

Applying for heat pump rebates can be confusing.  

Aside from sifting through pages of requirements, you also have to find the right HVAC installer who can meet these conditions. Then, there’s also the possibility that you’re looking at the requirements for a different city or region, setting you back hours of work.  

To save you time and effort, we’ve compiled a list of BC heat pump rebates. Plus, we’ll also share an overview of the entire rebate process.

What are Heat Pump Rebates?

Heat pump rebates are a type of financial incentive issued by the Canadian government. Its goal is to encourage homeowners to switch to more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly HVAC systems. Because of how heat pumps work, it’s considered to be one of the most sustainable alternatives to cool and heat your home.

How Do BC Rebates Work?

Generally, BC rebates work by first having your heat pump installed and then applying for the rebate. Once you have met all requirements, the government will issue back the cost of installing your heating and cooling system.  

The rebate can equal the full price of the heat pump installation or just a part of it.  

Here are the general steps of how rebates in BC work. However, it’s important to note that not all rebates are the same, so it’s best to read them in detail.  

  1. Check the requirements of the BC rebate.  
  1. Consult with your HVAC technician.  
  1. Schedule a pre-retrofit guide with an EnerGuide advisor if you’re applying for Canada Greener Homes Grant.  
  1. Apply for a loan if you’re aiming for one.  
  1. Book your heat pump installation with a qualified HVAC technician.  
  1. Do a post-evaluation if you’re applying for a Canada Greener Homes Grant.  
  1. Collect all necessary documents and apply for a rebate.

What are the BC Heat Pump Rebates in 2023?

There are multiple rebates and programs available to homeowners in British Columbia. Here are the current ones available for heat pumps in BC:

  • Canada Greener Homes Grant
  • Canada Greener Homes Loan  
  • Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program
  • Canada Greener Affordable Housing Program
  • CleanBC Better Homes Heat Pump Rebates
  • City of Vancouver Heat Pump Top-Up

Here is a bit more about each one.

#1 - Canada Greener Homes Grant

The Canada Greener Homes Grant provides funding to homeowners who are retrofitting their homes to become more environmentally sustainable. This includes upgrading their home insulation and installing or switching to heat pumps.


  • $125-5,000 of the cost of retrofitting your home  
  • Up to $600 for pre- and post-retrofit EnerGuide evaluations  

#2 – Canada Greener Homes Loan

In addition to the Greener Homes Grant, you can also apply for the Canada Greener Homes Loan to ease the financial burden of upgrading to a more energy-efficient home. This loan is interest-free, and you can repay it within 10 years.

Amount: $5,000-40,000

#3 – Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program

If your heating system uses oil, then you might want to consider changing to an air-source heat pump and applying for this program. With the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program, you can receive the funds ahead of the heat pump installation.

Amount: Up to $10,000  

#4 – Canada Greener Affordable Housing Program

Acknowledging that building a sustainable home can be costly, the Canadian government is offering the Canada Greener Affordable Housing Program. This allows homeowners to apply for a forgivable, low-interest loan when they retrofit their homes to make them more environmentally friendly.  


  • Up to $13,000 in contributions for pre-retrofit activities  
  • Loans of up to $170,000 per unit  

#5 – CleanBC Better Homes Heat Pump Rebates  

Are you thinking of improving your HVAC system by installing a heat pump? CleanBC is offering rebates, depending on the type of heat pump:  

Amount: Up to $4,300-9,000

#6 – City of Vancouver Heat Pump Top-Up  

In addition to the CleanBC Better Homes and Renovation Rebate Program, homeowners can apply for the City of Vancouver Heat Pump Top-Up. This Vancouver rebate provides supplemental funding when you’re upgrading to an all-electric heat pump system.  

Amount: $4,000

With BC heat pump rebates having strict requirements, you’ll want an HVAC technician you can trust. Not only will they install your heating and cooling systems, but they’ll also help you navigate this complex process. They’ll advise you on the best steps to take and ensure that you have the ideal heat pump for your home.

Looking for an HVAC professional?

At Mom’s Heating & Cooling, we only do premium HVAC installations and work with top-skilled technicians. Reach out today so you can feel more comfortable and safe in your home.  

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